It has been a really long time since one of these was written. Honestly, nobody has tagged myself (Baymax) or sidlittlefield in any threads that you think are roast-worthy. Without further ado, this week in review will be broken down into 3 segments, which I will name after the name of this article, Good (self explanatory), Bad (single facedesk worthy), and Ugh-gly (multiple facedesk worthy). Here we go! But first a commercial break that randomly cuts off the first part of the week in review.
This week... month... year... no, no... it is only a week in review... please wait for customer assistance..
Thank you for calling OnePlusHub help line, your call is very important to us. OnePlusHub, the caring company
Ok, hope you enjoyed that cheesy commercial. Now for the Good of the forum this week. Helen enlightened the whole forum with the release of Oxygen OS 2.1.1 for the OnePlus 2 with a much needed fix for using Facebook, and some landscape app fixes. Also, this may be considered good to some: The closing of the reservation list. Multiple users have complained that the reservation list overstayed its welcome, so to those of you who complained... OnePlus listened. Am I the only one surprised by this? The last bit of good news is that the OnePlus 2 Open Sales went quite well; for the most part. I read that some Europeans were not too happy with the open sales, but hopefully some got through all the website lag for that whole hour. To those of you who endured it, I salute you and must admit that you truly did earn your OnePlus 2.
Now, for the bad. It is the bad that is not as bad as the ugh-gly, but worse than the good. So, I decided to reach out to an anonymous forum member who really isn't so anonymous... I asked him to give me a little bit of insight on all the crap that has been going on. But, since I don't want anyone to feel punched in the gut at the end of this article, I will save this for last. First, I wanted to recognize that two quite fervent members have pretty much quit. So, for this next part; please click the video located below before continuing to read.
First member of this i want to recognize is a former member of the OnePlusHub team. He went off to college with dreams to start anew. and on October 15,2015 he wrote on the forum that he had got in touch with the community admin to get his account deleted. as he says "One Door Closes, Another Door Opens. See you when I see you again." I am talking about our dear friend @EpicSwirly. Known as Brandon to some. The sky is the limit, bud. Hopefully our paths will cross again some day.
EpicSwirly's last words on the forum:
I read here and there and honestly I shouldn't be here nor do I want to be here. I didn't say it officially but I'm out. I don't want to be related to the forums or oneplus in any way. To best summarize what I think here's a PM a sent to @Adam Krisko wanting my account to be deleted:The second user who I wish to recognize is non other than the brick fixer himself, @DaxNagtegaal. Dax has not announced any plans to delete his account, but his latest status as of October 6, 2015 says: I don't visit this forum anymore, people, sorry. No point in PMing or tagging me. I won't respond in a timely manner. Dax you will be missed, hopefully you will also come back again some day.
There isn't an issue or something wrong. The issue is that I grew tired of the forums and I mean this in the most objective way possible, I grew tired of OnePlus. A lot of people, including myself really believe in what OnePlus stands or at least stood for. Changing the dynamic of the smartphone industry, but at this point it seems that OnePlus doesn't care about its customers and community as it claims it does. While the OPO was an excellent device and the OP2 a good device I no longer wish to be part of this community nor be associated in any way with OnePlus. I will rather take my chances elsewhere, where I can buy a product that I can present with confidence. There have been some recent forums changes that have made the forums unbearable and unenjoyable. Added with the fact that the OnePlus 2 launch was over hyped and under delivered. While I said so myself, the OnePlus 2 is a good device but I can't bare with some of the decisions made and this is not the phone for me nor the company for me. I do hope you consider my words, a once believer in the OnePlus ideal, and take them with caution. The fans made OnePlus what it is today and they are constantly getting the short end of the stick. I do hope OnePlus realizes their mistakes and starts doing instead of just talking and they fix this before its too late. Other than that, this is the end of my journey with OnePlus and I'll be moving on to another device and company that I think is a better alternative. With that said, I would like my forums account deleted as I no longer want to be a part of this now or in the future.
Best regards"
Take that as it is. I'm done. And for the record i'm not angry nor salty because I know someone will say that. I'm just calling it like it is. This will be my final post. I happened to wander in while bored in class. This won't happen again. I'm hoping they take my request and delete my account. See ya.
Now stop the music if it is still going... Hopefully you aren't too sad. To cheer you up, here is what our not-so-anonymous benefactor has to say about all the crap that has been going on with the forum:
So a good chum of mine @Baymax requested that I give him my impression of the last month or so on the internet based forum discussion group for OnePlus. I must admit I was slightly intimidated at this request. You see dear reader, I am not the sort of person that anyone normally asks for any opinion from. Most of my opinions are either gibberish or offensive to many. In fact the only opinion I am usually asked for is concerning alcohol.I bet everyone feels so much better after that tasteful gibberish. Thank you to the Earl for providing us with this beautiful work.
But as requested I took a bit of a retrospective look on the forums this morning. What I saw has left me wanting to gouge out my eyes with spoons and eat them slightly fried in a garlic butter.
Now I'm just an old man from Twatshire, a county not known for its intelligence or fine schooling. In fact in the British Isles, Twatshire is best known for the fine cheeses we produce and interbreeding. But I have to say, I am shocked at what I saw.
It seems that there are several types of people that post these days. I'll just outline a few of my favorite types of post. Now please dear reader, do not be upset if I have missed your favorite morons, this is a selection of the posts I find the most odd.
Spamming. Has anyone noticed the sheer amount of spamming as of late? Many times do I have to slap my imaginary butler senseless as he is unable to read to me the Korean or whatever language these spam messages are written in. Which is frankly becoming annoying, due to the sheer volume of these posts, my knuckles are getting swollen.
One Plus Two Sucks! We've all seen these, those special internet friends that post these wonderful posts telling us how much the OnePlus Two mobile telecommunication device "sucks". These post boggle my small tiny brain. Not because they are telling us that this mobile telecommunication device is in their opinion substandard, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, it amazes me that these people take the time to sign up to a forum dedicated to a mobile telecommunication device that they apparently hate.
They then appear to take the time to write, at length these comments. I have to wonder what they obtain from such an endeavor? A feeling of self satisfaction? Some odd obligation to spill their opinions onto the floor of a public arena?
I am just amazed at the time and effort they take to share these views. I think that energy could be channeled into something more interesting, like drinking alcohol.
I often sit and ponder, in my pondering room about the nature of these people. Did this type of naysayer exist before the proliferation of the information superhighway? How did they share their views before this? Did they send angry letters and opinions via the mail?
It dismays me.
Marshmallow. "When is marshmallow coming?" "When can I get marshmallow on my phone?" "Where is marshmallow?" By the Gods these people are demanding!
I have no idea why you would want to cram marshmallows into your OnePlus mobile telecommunication device. I never understood the earlier need to cram lollipops into their mobile telecommunication devices. I have no intention of storing tasty treats inside my mobile telecommunication device. I just want these impatient type to stop their whining. If they are desperate for marshmallows, they go to a local shop and gorge, or then cram them into their mobile telecommunication devices themselves. Stop whining, and drink more I say.
Invites. Begging, whining and complaining about invites causes me significant distress. I'm sure some of us from the original OnePlus One mobile telecommunication device. These posts are the most annoying of all. People demanding, begging and complaining about their position in the invite queue.
I find this to be infuriating. Yes, we all want invites, I was lucky and I obtained an invite rather quickly. But however, I never understand why people are so desperate for these invites. It is a mobile telecommunication device. They way they these people get so annoyed and enraged over their lack of invite astounds me. It is almost like they are waiting for an invite for their next breath of oxygen. They have to have it now, NOW!
Patience appears to be in short supply. I argue that obtaining the latest incarnation of a mobile telecommunication device is somewhat of a first world problem. Now the lack of alcohol and fine women, that is something to complain about.
Those are the current types of post that seem to dismay me the most. I'm sure there are many, many more that are infuriating, but I have had a little to drink and I am loosing the power of sight.
Also, I'm due to a heat of beaver racing this very afternoon and I have to supervise my imaginary butler preparing my beaver racing out fit. I also have to go find if my beaver is eager to race.
Beaver riding, its the sport of the future.
Now that we are all back up to good feeling, it is now time for the ugh-gly. and first off, I would like to start off by looking at our record holder, @klimaxo. My results have show that good ol' klimaxo is still up to the same blasphemy as always when I took a look at the thread titled What should a young teen learn on his tablet that's not about getting girls. The threads by this user tend to always be off the deep end, and this one is no exception. Even a white balloon robot like myself felt the need to drop face to the desk. Despite this fact, this is not the thread that is worthy of The Worst Thread Of The Week. The worst thread of the week goes to out dear admin @Cat. H. Cat puts OnePlus' money where her mouth is and tells everyone how confident OnePlus is. So confident that if you sell them your Samsung Galaxy smartphone from 2015, that they will give you a brand new OnePlus 2 for it. When you open the thread, you will see that OnePlus also plans on donating the Samsung smartphone to HopePhones charity...
I would be really surprised to see how many actually follow through with this insane proposition. Trading a $600+ USD phone for one that is $389 USD. This is quite possibly one of the most insane stunts OnePlus has attempted to pull.
Anyway, thank you all for reading. If you see any WIR-worthy threads out there, please tag @Baymax and/or @sidlittlefield and we will see if we can fit it into a Week In Review.
We still do not have any sort of frequency between the Week In Review posts, but we will try to get these out as frequently as possible.
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